
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Our Week

Hi all,
sorry it has been a while but my bub has been sick! So it has been a very long week for us here!
It started off with runny poo, then went to runny nose. I have been told that this could be a sign of teeth coming through?!?!? Does anyone else agree? But other than that she has been so happy!
Today Michelle, Kristy and Julie came over for a play and Lani was on her best behaviour! They were asking how her sleeping was going and we told them what a good sleeper she is....... she then got tired so Luke picked her up and layed her in her rocker and she went straight to sleep! They were all very impressed!
I have been blog looking lately and found some great blogs at the moment I'm addicted to and and hope you like them!
lots of hugs and kisses

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Logan usually had a runny nose when he would teeth. He sleeps ALOT while he's getting new teeth too. Hope she feels better soon! Have a great Sunday :)
PS-Thanks for the comment about my blog. I really enjoy reading yours too. I read the other two you mentioned too!!