
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kalani and I

Kalani and I are very slowly adjusting to being by ourselves. The first night was very hard for the both of us. Lani didn't sleep well (either did I) and every time I picked her up I cried for her. I think I am scared for her. Scared of growing up without a Daddy with her all the time. It's been hard but I have some awesome support from family and friends. Kristy and Robbie have been fantastic! They have been with me all the time, helping me with everything. I think the strength I have is coming from everyone else as well as me. I am truly blessed with the best kinds of friends. I would like to say a massive thank you and I love you to Rob & Kristy & the boys , Carley, Mel and Tanya for always leaving comments that make me smile! James and both our family.
I have to tidy up!
Love to you all,
Hugs and kisses


Tanya said...

I was going to come and leave another comment to see how you were doing and you had a new post - yay!!

I'm sure the next couple of weeks will be hard but just hang in there and just hug Lani extra tight. She's such an adorable little girl.


ƒåυνέ said...


I hope things are getting easier. Update?

Kara said...

Fauve sent me, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. From one single mother to another, you learn of strengths you've never imagined you had. Hang in there. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

hey b,

you will smile again. keep your head high and think of your beautiful little girl.

luv mel