
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The second day of the new blog!

Hi all!
Well another day using this page, and I'm really starting to i like it! It's cool using the Photo editing stuff and it's heaps easier and faster uploading photo's! Well Kalani has had a very quiet day today! After a massive weekend she has finally had the chance to have peace and quiet! Tomorrow I'm going to get some baby food for her! She is so interested in eating now! Kristy came over for the day while her boys were at school! The amount of laughing that went on between Kristy and Lani was amazing! Lani is really starting to talk (baby talk) and giggle! Our little girl is growing up so fast.....
Now onto our other babbies (Jaida and Elle)! Elle had her appointment about her haemengioma growth with Dr Sippe. The blood vessels that normally belong deep under the skin are actually at the top of Elle's skin. For the next four weeks, her treatment will be topical cortisone ointment every night. Hopefully this will start to reduce the blood flow within, inturn reducing the size of the growth. The doctor does not want to do scans or other invasive treatments as yet because she is too small. So far her eyesight is great and she is not effected in any other way. Jaida is going great! She has started day care on thursday's and this week she can't wait to get back there! I still can't believe how much she has grown up! It seem's like it was only yesterday that they moved back from NZ! She is so amazing everytime I see her she has learnt something new! Spose i should stop rambling on!
Lots of hug's and kisses


Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.