Tonight we experienced the biggest vomiting I have ever seen!
Lisa and Steve came over for dinner and we were having a great night, Lani was really tired after her bottle so i picked her up and was just at her room when she did the biggest, yuckiest vomit ever. She got herself, me and all the tiles. Me being me went straight into panic mode. First I stripped her and put her in the tub, washed her dressed her and got the thermometer out ( This all happened just as we all sat down for dinner ). Her temp was 36.6degrees (average baby temp) and she was so happy and chatty! So after cleaning myself up I sat down to a very nice but very cold dinner. I rang Luke's Mum and spoke to her about it. She said most of her family ( Luke and herself included ) don't do well on too much milk/dairy. So that was something to think about. She has gone about the rest of the night just as usual, very happy, very chatty and very giggly. But it was still worrying me so I rang the GP access after hours centre and spoke to one of the RN's on duty. She said as there is/was temp is a great sign. We went through the rest like is there a rash etc etc. So she just talked to me and said if she does any more vomits or gets a temp to call her back. She thinks it is a one off thing. So my mind is kind of at rest now.
But I have a question for all Mum's.... I have read many many many baby book's. They all say different things. ( Lani is teething [we think as we can see them]) Some of these book's say a baby WILL NOT experience temp, vomiting, diarrhea etc and other's say they will. In your experience's what did your children go through?
Now I'm off to have a shower and grab some sleep! ( I swear I still smell like baby vomit yuck!)
I hope your all well.
Hugs and kisses to you all